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SIOMMMS-IFMRS Fellow Day, 26 october 2023

SIOMMMS is happy to welcome candidates to the first edition of SIOMMMS-IFMRS International Fellow Day that will be held at the beautiful Giardini Naxos, Sicily, during the XXIII SIOMMMS National Congress (RG Naxos Hotel, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, 26-28 october 2023). The workshop is designed to bring together excellent international young scientists working in bone research, for data discussion and networking.

Two invited speakers, one basic and one clinical, will present their lectures and will stay for the entire duration of the event and will interact with the attendees, providing mentorships.

Students, postdocs, and early-stage investigators are encouraged to submit an abstract and, if selected, will be asked to present their work as a 15-min oral presentation and 5-min Q&A. A maximum number of 15 candidates will be selected, with a balance of basic and clinical researchers.

What does SIOMMMS offer?

  • Accommodation: 2 hotel nights (25 and 26 october 2023) at Giardini-Naxos, Sicily (5 minutes walk from the Congress venue)
  • Registration fee for the National Congress: waived
  • Interactive Lunch on 26 october 2023
  • Young Dinner on 26 october 2023


  • The candidate must be an early career scientist, in training (PhD student, resident physician) or within maximum 7 years after the completion of PhD or residency program, preferably not older than 35 years at the time of application.
  • The abstract, in English, must be original and must not contain published data (Project ideas will also be welcome)
  • The applicant must be the first and presenting author of the abstract

How to apply

  • Fill out the form below and send your CV (max. 2 pages) and abstract
  • Abstract Title length: max. 25 words
  • Abstract body lenght: max. 300 words including numbers and symbols. You can also use one table and one image
  • Please save your abstract as a Word Document (.docx)


The deadline for applications is 10 september 2023


Other important information

  • The official language of the SIOMMMS-IFMRS Fellow Day will be English.
  • The SIOMMMS National Congress will be held in Italian, but selected participants will have the opportunity to attend the international sessions, in English, planned for 26 and 27 october. Check out the program.
  • You will be responsible for booking your own travel arrangements.

We look forward to seeing you at SIOMMMS-IFMRS Fellow Day in Sicily!